compilation of my read

08:40 | by Unknown | | No comments
According to a survey conducted by renowned international news network CNN on the World’s 100 best beaches, three beaches in Malaysia made it to the top 50. The three beaches are Tanjung Rhu in Langkawi, Kedah (ranked at No.49), Juara Beach in Tioman Island, Pahang (ranked at No.21), and Perhentian Kecil island, Terengganu (ranked at No.13).

Tanjung Rhu in Langkawi, Kedah

According to the CNN report, “Most tourists on Langkawi flock to Pantai Cenang beach, but the quieter Tanjung Rhu has an earthy beauty and serene atmosphere. The long beach area is surrounded by ancient limestone caves, rippling waterways and dense mangroves.”
We love Langkawi for the breathtaking view from atop Gunung Mat Cincang, one of the islands highest mountains.

Juara Beach, Tioman Island, Pahang
"Less developed and less polished than Thailand, Tioman Island's Juara Beach brings an all-natural, quiet vibe to the beach experience. This isn't the place for parties or nightlife, unless you like your parties hushed and your nightlife nonhuman," quoted CNN.
Tioman Island is also a great place for adrenalin junkies who want a rock-climbing challenge at Nenek Semukut Mountain.

Perhentian Kecil Island, Terengganu
CNN wrote, “Malaysia’s Perhentian Islands are to beach bums what Kobe beef is to carnivores; once you’ve experienced it, nothing else quite matches up. The two main islands are the backpacker-happy Pulau Perhentian Kecil (Small Perhentian Island), and Pulau Perhentian Besar (Big Perhentian Island), which has slightly more expensive accommodations.”
The highlight of Pulau Perhentian Kecil, according to CNN, is the blue waters which invariably contain turtles and small sharks.

Original source :
Posted : December 2009
15:13 | by Unknown | | No comments
Sixty years ago today, Joe DiMaggio married his girlfriend of two years, Marilyn Monroe. Here, the happy couple are seen leaving San Francisco's City Hall, site of their nuptials. It was a short-lived union: The two divorced in October of the same year.P
They did have an eventful relationship. There was plenty of humping, of course, though Monroe would later express sadness at never having had a real orgasm with Joe (she always said she would have won the Academy Award for faking it, if such an award existed). Richard Ben Cramer, in his iconoclastic biography of the man, tells one story about the night the freshly divorced DiMaggio thought he had caught Monroe with another man. He was dining with Frank Sinatra, who as a favor to his friend had a detective keeping tabs on Marilyn. The detective called up Sinatra and gave him an address in Hollywood where he believed Monroe had entered with a man. The two lit out for the love nest. This actually happened. In America. Frank Sinatra and Joe DiMaggio, together, skulking around a building where they thought they'd find Marilyn Monroe boffing some musician
Here's Cramer

Frank was trying to calm Joe down. At about eleven-fifteen P.M., everybody in the building heard a splintering crash, as Sinatra's men broke down the door to one apartment. The noise was most fearsome to Mrs. Florence Kotz, a fifty-year-old woman who was asleep, alone, in that apartment. When the door crashed down, strange men rushed in, taking pictures, shooting off flashbulbs—but their pictures would only show Mrs. Kotz sitting up in bed, clutching her bedclothes around her, her mouth open to loose an ear-splitting scream .... Meanwhile, through a door just a few yards away, Marilyn Monroe and Hal Schaefer left the apartment of the actress Sheila Stuart (another of Schaefer's clients)—and they got away clean.

"Attempted burglary," the cops called it. A cool $7,500 kept Mrs. Kotz quiet and kept the incident under wraps, at least for a while. A couple years later Confidential magazine got ahold of the story. The California State Senate opened an investigation, forcing Sinatra and the detectives to testify. DiMaggio, all the way in New York, couldn't find a reason to attend.P

Photo credit: STF/AFP/Getty Images

08:16 | by Unknown | | No comments

If you’re hungry right now, you won’t be after you read this article. There are some pretty horrendous facts about fast food and other food favorites out there if you’re willing to dig a little. Keep reading to learn about 10 disgusting food facts that McDonald’s and other food giants likely don’t want you to know about.

10 The average fast food patron eats 12 pubic hairs in a given year

We’ve all got the occasional hair in our food at one point or another. Ingesting unwanted hair is more likely to occur at fast food restaurants… and it’s not just the hair that grows on the top of heads that you need to worry about.

9 A McDonald’s strawberry milk shake contains 50 artificial flavors

Apparently, real strawberries are expensive. So fast food companies like McDonald’s choose to use a ridiculous concoction of 50 chemicals to effectively imitate the flavor of one real-world food. These chemicals include ethyl acetate, phenythyl alcohol and solvent.

8 This is where chicken nuggets come from

Before reshaping, foods like chicken nuggets, hot dogs, bologna and pepperoni look like a disgusting sludge of pink paste. This is done through a process called mechanical separation, which is a cost-effective way to “smooth out” bone remnants left after the de-boning process. The process results in excessive bacteria, which is fixed by washing the meat in ammonia. To cover up that delicious ammonia flavor, the meat is then re-flavored artificially and dyed to resemble the type of meat it once was.

7 There are bugs and rodent hair in your peanut butter

FDA laws allow for an average of 30 insect fragments per 100 grams of peanut butter. In that same half cup of peanut butter, you’ll also find at least one rodent hair (on average). Yum! Now that’s good eating!

6 Shellac is an important ingredient in jelly beans

Shellac is a type of finishing product that is typically used to improve the shine of wood and furniture. However, it can also be used to improve the shine of certain foods, such as jelly beans. Where does shellac come from? Why, it’s secreted by an insect in Thailand called the Kerria Iacca of course!

5 Various viruses can be found on processed lunch meat

Food production companies have long sought ways to combat unhealthy microbes found on processed foods such as lunch meat and hot dogs. A few years ago, the FDA approved the use of bacteriophages (a.k.a. viruses) that help kill these dangerous microbes. So, basically, viruses are purposely being added to your food to improve shelf life.

4 If not for one ingredient, drinking a can of Coke would make you vomit

While cocaine was taken out of Coca-Cola long ago, the current formula is still formulated to get you high. Each can of Coke contains 10 teaspoons of sugar. This is 100 percent of your recommended daily intake. In normal circumstances, the extreme sweetness of this much sugar would immediately cause you to vomit uncontrollably. However, since all that sugar is addictive and keeps you coming back for more, Coca-Cola adds phosphoric acid -– an ingredient that cuts the sweetness to manageable levels.

3 Processed cheese is less than 51 percent cheese

A more accurate name for Kraft Singles and other packaged cheeses is “cheese-like substance.” Any cheese product labeled as processed or pasteurized includes additives, chemicals and flavorings that account for up 49 percent of the total product. As a result, that cheap cheese in your grocery store has just enough real cheese in it to allow companies to call it cheese.

2 Fast food salads contain chemicals used in antifreeze

Choosing to “eat healthy” at a fast food restaurant isn’t necessarily a good idea. To prolong crispness, packaged salads are dusted with Propylene Glycerol, a chemical commonly found in antifreeze. In its concentrated form, the chemical has been known to cause eye and skin irritation.

1 Chicken McNuggets contain beef

Many fast food chicken items contain beef additives used to enhance flavor and juke health stats. Chicken McNuggets, the Wendy’s Grilled Chicken Sandwich, and KFC Grilled Chicken Sandwich are a few examples. Check the ingredients, and you’ll see no sign of such atrocities. That’s because such beef additives are listed as “extract” or “essence.”

Source :

08:39 | by Unknown | | No comments
Too Good!!!
China/Korea/Japan are the places to be for English teachers...

Exist? Ok ok got it...


I wont......
But where r u?


Have a careful suicide....

I'm NOT going to pay to trim the foot.

Still didn't understand?....Neither did I......(Maybe it's an accident prone area).

Data Breaker ?!?!?!

Bottled water in a can?

I m going down pressing my head up......

Looks like one.....


Sorry i can't treasure the used one.....
Really can't…!!!

Now, tell me what am I supposed to do here??!!!


Just touch it!!!

Yes I WILL…..!!! (….. JJ )

Hobbits...?? They played sports?!! Weren't they just running around with a RING???

Died on the table?

Email received from Rose Ira
                           August 2010
19:08 | by Unknown | | No comments

Silat is the combative art of fighting and survival believed to have originated from ancient Malaysian and Indonesian civilizations. Until recently there has been no fixed form of instruction. It has now evolved to become part of social culture and tradition and is a fine physical and spiritual training. There are various styles of silat. Silat burung putih is based on bird-style fighting. Silat tjmande is water-buffalo-style fighting. Silat tjikalong is crane-style fighting. Silat harimau is based on tiger-style fighting. Not all silats are fighting arts; some are merely dancing forms such as silat pulut.The White Eagle Martial Arts is in the form of an eagle.

The definition of the word silat varies from one guru or cikgu (teacher) to another. The Malay dictionary defines silat as a seni (art) with the intelligence to attack and defend gracefully. Another meaning states that silat originated from the word kilat (lightning). A practitioner tries to acquire the characteristics of lightning: speed, dominance, sharpness, fluidity, and danger. A person with these qualities and intelligence was called sikilat. The word eventually came to be pronounced silat. Another meaning states that the word silat originated from the Arabic language. If the word silat is spelled with the Arabic letter seen, the word silat means brotherhood. If the word is spelled with the Arabic letter saad, it means weapons. Some believe that the word silat originated from the Malay word silap or solat. Solat means to pray or concentrate, to communicate among mankind and the creator. Silap means imprecision; the hidden concept of the defending oneself by making intentional mistakes while seeking and sensing the adversary’s open movement (langkah silap dan langkah sumbang) to abort the physical attack. Another definition defines silat as the Malay art and science of armed and unarmed combat. Yet another meaning of silat is simply “to ward off”.
Copyright © 2006-2007 MY Martials Sdn Bhd

The following is an excerpt of an interview with Mark V. Wiley, a respected researcher of Asian Martial Arts, especially Kali. The interview by Alan Orr concerned his experiences training in Asia and meeting amazing masters. In this excerpt, he details his encounter with Raja Aziz Laksamana Hoja Andak of Kegayungan Acheh Helang Putih.

 Dr Raja Aziz Laksamana Hoja Andak

"The third encounter concerns Silat Master Raja Aziz. It was during my third research/training trip to Malaysia that I met Raja Aziz, the Pendakar of the White Eagle Silat style. I had studied several silat systems and met many masters over the years, but as a budding anthropologist was increasingly more interested in the spiritual aspects of these arts. Few non-Muslims are allowed to witness such things, especially in Malaysia, but I was determined, even though thus far I was only given demonstrations of the physical art and lectured on its history, philosophy and spiritual aspects.

"It happened by accident that while I was talking with Azlan Ghanie, the publisher of "Seni Beladiri" magazine in Kuala Lumpur, that Raja Aziz came by to pay him a visit. After some introductions, I conducted an extended interview with him. This was followed by picture and video taking of his techniques with empty hand and kris. I then asked for a demonstration of White Eagle Silat’s inner power and spiritual aspects, and Raja Aziz agreed.

"With little fan-fare, he murmured some phrases in Malay, gathered his spirit and his body started shaking. He then crouched into a stance and extended his arms and when he looked up at me he let out a loud yell, like that of an eagle.

"As sure as I am alive, it appeared to me (and Ron Beaubian, my fellow researcher from Japan) as if he actually turned into an eagle before my eyes! His body seemed to grow wings and his face a beak and feathers and he looked as if he was about to soar above the clouds. He continued this for some time and then relaxed back into "human" form. I was shocked and dumbfounded.

"Everybody present laughed, including myself (though nervously). I asked him how he was able to capture the spirit of the eagle and transform himself into it before my very eyes. Raja Aziz said it was the result of a lifetime study and religious practice and belief. His art was that of the white eagle, and only the true pendekar can become one with the bird. I was finally convinced such levels existed outside of fantasy and the stories of zealous students.

"In short, I continue to travel the world in search of great masters, and while many are great technicians and some great fighters, not many can manifest the true levels of what I consider "mastery." Such experiences as the three mentioned here (among others) leave me with the knowledge that only through proper and dedicated training in connection with a clear conscience and centered mind, can such high levels of martial art be attained. Perhaps one day I will be fortunate to reach such levels."

source : Silat White Eagle Claw

Enough said ...and me and my friends were fortunate enough to be invited by Dr Raja Aziz to witness the Silat White Eagle Claw.