Author: Ben Dennison
Copyrighted ©
The phenomenon of demonic possession has persisted since the rise of
modern Christianity. Sometimes passed off as mental or physical illness,
the recognized traits of demonic possession include bizarre movements,
changing voices, violent out bursts, speaking in tongues and others.
When one is possessed by a demon it’s believed that the only way to
remove the evil spirit is through the Catholic rites of exorcism. Below
are four notable cases of demonic possession.
1. Anneliese Michel (1976)
Raised in a strict Catholic family, Anneliese was very devout in her faith. Her dedication went well above and beyond the norm; during winter time she slept on bare boards to make reparations for the sins of priests and drug addicts. So yeah, she was definitely on board with Catholicism. She also suffered from epileptic attacks starting when she was sixteen. It was almost as though God were punishing her despite her devotion.
She soon had her suspicions confirmed when voices told her she was
damned. The voices were paired with hallucinations during prayer. Though
originally marked up to her epilepsy her behavior became increasingly
bizarre; the young began eating coal, spiders, and licking up her own
urine. While the 1970s aren’t exactly the bastion of the medical age
it’s safe to assume that this stopped being epilepsy after the second
spider-urine smoothie. After journeying on a pilgrimage with another woman, it was determined
that Anneliese was possessed when she was unable to pass by an icon of
Christ. An exorcist was granted permission to attempt to exorcise the
demon believed to posses her. This continued for almost a year in tandem
with psychiatric treatments. Eventually Anneliese chose to rely
strictly on the the exorcism sessions over any other medical treatments.
These sessions proved to do very little, and on July 1st, 1976,
Anneliese died in her sleep. An autopsy proved the cause of death to be
starvation; during the exorcisms Anneliese refused to eat, choosing to
die as a means to atone for the wayward youth.The Exorcism of Emily Rose is based on the event.
2. Michael Taylor (1974)
Residing in the small British town of Ossett, Michael Taylor got the
short end of the demonic possession stick. By the accounts of the priest
who performed the rites of exorcism, he was possessed by over forty
demons. Forty. That’s a football team, people.
was suspected by his wife that Taylor was perhaps having an affair with
the leader of the church. Whether or not that proved to be true he
eventually had a series of violent outbursts with the minister,
prompting an investigation into the man. By his own account he felt a
presence of evil inside of him. Taking his word for it, a series of
ministers from around the country were brought in to collectively cast
out the demons. Over the course of over two days in early October 1974
forty demons were cast out of Taylor. Despite this, something was still
wrong.The priests were exhausted by the two day ritual and permitted Taylor to
return home so they could rest. They warned him, however, that he was
still possessed by several demons, one of which was a demon of murder.
Though not recorded in history, Taylor’s response was probably something
like “Say what?” followed by scoffing, high-fives and a long walk home.
Once he got there he murdered his wife and family dog. Police found the
man standing in the streets nude and covered in blood. He was
eventually found guilty of murder as well as being insane.
3. Robbie Mannheim
into a family with no brothers or sisters, Robbie Mannheim relied on
the companionship of his Aunt Harriet as opposed to other kids. Harriet
was a Spiritualist and a practicing Christian who must have read the
Bible with her eyes closed: one of her favorite activities with her
nephew was contacting spirits with a Ouija board. This can’t possibly go
eventually made a hobby out of the board and after the death of his
aunt he attempted to contact her with game, triggering a series of
supernatural events wherever he went. Objects began moving or
levitating, unheard voices were heard, scratches were present on
doorways and words began appearing scratched into his flesh. An
examination by medical experts proved inconclusive. As the media began
picking up the story the word “possession” was thrown around. An
exorcism was started but stopped after Robbie injured a priest severely
enough that he needed stitches. Upon returning home he and his family
discovered that the name “St. Louis” was inexplicably carved in his
chest. That just happened to be the city where his aunt died. Naturally,
a road trip was in order.Upon arriving in St. Louis a second exorcism with three priests was
arranged. During the ritual Robbie fought the priests physically while
poltergeist activity took place throughout the room. One of the demons
answered that they would only leave Robbie after he spoke the right
words. After thirty sessions Robbie spoke “Christus, Domini” and, after a
loud sound, was found to be functioning normally. This event would
later be fictionalized as The Exorcist.
4. Clara Cele (1906)
at a young age, Clara Cele could have really used a parent figure in
her life to teach her right from wrong. This guidance she lacked was
most needed when she reached age sixteen and after careful deliberation
made the wise decision to make a pact with Satan himself. Having never
read any spiritual books at all she believed that this partnership would
be a raging success.
to a local nun Cele was able to understand several languages she had
never studied or even encountered, able to respond clearly and
coherently. She had also demonstrated some form of clairvoyance, able to
recall the thoughts and actions of people she had never met. Suspicions
of demonic possession were confirmed when she began attacking nuns,
hurling some across the room while placing others in a perfect figure
four leg lock.At first it was believed that the girl was mentally ill (as those of
sound mind tend not to attack nuns all willy-nilly). However, many
accounts claimed she levitated several feet in the air more than once,
which was all the confirmation local priests needed to perform the rites
of exorcism. It was found that when she was sprinkled with holy water
she would come out of her state of possession, but only briefly. Early
in the ritual she continually knocked the Bible out of the performing
priest’s hands and tried to choke him out at least once. After only two
days the demon was cast out and Clara was healed.
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